The power of trade publications
Trade publications offer a powerful punch in competitive economic times.
In businesses where proactive involvement is critically important, advertising in a trade-specific publication is one of the best investments a company can make.
These are five reasons why:
Brand recognition
Demonstrating your activity within a trade is an essential tool in making sure your brand is remembered. When people know your name, you are one step closer to establishing a working relationship.
Reach the right parties
Readers are engaged in trade publications as their business and family well-being is dependent upon them improving their income through savvy business and work decisions. There are some niche industries out there, and there seems to be a magazine for every industry out there. While some may appear fairly obscure, there’s a good reason they exist. They hit a market that either isn’t serviced by anyone else, or they capture a fair proportion of that market’s key parties.
Increasing your visibility increases the avenues in which people learn of your services, products, skills and contact information.
Not everyone knows your business. Advertising in a trade publication gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your niche knowledge from the point of view of an objective observer. It also provides an opportunity to gain credibility within the trade, as well as with your potential clients and customers.
Extended shelf-life
It is proven time and again that magazines have an astonishing shelf life. In the case of Lanella Media, a surprising number of readers tell us they keep a technical library of their trade publications as a reference to both articles and products they see promoted.